Jeevan 2.0 – 100% Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Literacy for Tamil Nadu.Under my leadership, the dream project.“Jeevan 2.0” is launched, aiming for 100% CPR literacy in Tamil Nadu.Recognizing the pivotal role of CPR in saving lives, we are committed to training all healthcare providers and, subsequently, the general population. As of now, the knowledge of CPR among the public is limited, and its importance cannot be overstated. By empoweringindividuals with CPR skills, we create a resilient community ready to respond to emergencies.The importance of training the public in Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is underscored by real-life incidents that highlight the critical role bystanders can play in saving lives. There are instances like Road Accidents, Public Spaces & Events, Drowning Incidents, Heart-related emergencies, educational institutions. In rural areas, Cardiac Arrests in Homes, we need successful rescues. Encouraging widespread CPR training in Tamil Nadu can create a community that is better prepared to respond to emergencies and contribute to improved public health outcomes.
To transform Tamilnadu into a State of life rescuers with 100% literally aboutCardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).
Jeevan is an initiative by Indian Medical Association to promote accurate and scientific resuscitation training & guidelines.
COLS guidline is for every citizen to learn how to resuscitate a victim in cardiac arrest in Out of Hospital situations.
CCLS guideline is for doctors and paramedics to resuscitate in-hospital cardiac arrest victims within the hospital.
A Victim with Cadiopulmonary arrest should be managed in a Sytematic way for the best Outcome.
The ISA Basic Cardiopulmonary Life Support Guidelines(BCLS) provide a sequential series of predefined steps for assessment and management of such victims for return of spontaneous cardiac activity.
It is primarily framed for trained medics and paramedics involved in resuscitating victims outside the hospital.
The Algorithm is simple,easy to understand,remember and follow in real-time situations.
The Basic goal of framing BCLS Guidelines is to deliver optimal care to the victim at the earliest.
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